Linbian Configuration

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In development

UART configuration

By default, the ttyS0 is assigned to the Linux console. The UART transmit and receive pins are on PB9 and PB10 espectively, which are pins 8 and 10 on the 'PI BUS' GPIO header. And the bit rate is 115200 bps.


Ethernet is enabled by default. Plug in the network cable will automatically connect to the Internet.

Wicd is used for manage wireless and wired interface.

Running Wicd in Desktop Environment

Open Wicd Network Manager from desktop. If the board is properly set up and connected, you should see a Window as follow.


Running Wicd in Text Mode

Open a Terminal from desktop. Type wicd-curses:


Manage network by keyboard.



Lindenis V5 without builtin Wi-Fi. Follow these instructions and install a module.

Add Service In Running Environment

Add configure file wifi.conf in /etc/modules-load.d, and the context of the configure file is the driver name, for example :bcmdhd

Reboot the system


Manage Wi-Fi by Wicd (open Wicd Network Manager from desktop).


Click Properties button to set access point password.


And then click Connect button to get access.



Bluetooth firmware and service are not installed by default

Add configure file

add configure file bt in "device/eagle/rootfs/etc" of sdk or "/etc" in running environment, and the context as follow:

# Shell script to install Bluetooth firmware and attach BT part of
test -d $BT_POWER_MGR_PATH || exit 1
test -d $BT_FW_PATH || exit 1
echo "Using device $TTY for initializing Bluetooth"
#BT power initialize
echo 0 > /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
sleep 0.1
echo 1 > /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
brcm_patchram_plus --patchram /etc/firmware/BCM4345C0.hcd --no2bytes --tosleep 1000 $TTY
hciattach $TTY any
exit 0

Add Service

If you want to add service in running environment, you can use the following cmd:

insserv /etc/init.d/bt

If you want to add service in sdk, you should modify "debain/" as follow:

diff --git a/ b/
index 75dd3ce..c46d605 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -91,6 +91,10 @@ if insserv -s | grep mpp > /dev/null ; then
insserv /etc/init.d/mpp
+if insserv -s | grep bt > /dev/null ; then
+insserv /etc/init.d/bt
apt-get install -y bash-completion

Manage Bt devices

You can use some open source tools, such as blueman.

sudo apt-get install blueman

Camera Config

Sys_config.fex config

See the 13 chapter page 37 to page 52 sys_config guide

Kernel menuconfig

Device Drivers  --->  
	<*> Multimedia support  ---> 
           [*]   V4L platform devices  ---> 
                 [*]       imx317 platform select  ---> 
                       --- imx317 platform select 
                       [*]   select IPC platform config otherwise SDV platform 
                       <M>   imx317_mipi sensor driver  

the imx317 sensor driver code


if you want to support a new sensor, you can add the driver code in this path, and modify the Makefile and Kconfig like imx317. Of course you should config the sys_config.fex first.

Insmod the sensor module

1.cp the driver ko to debian/target/lib/modules/4.4.55+/

2.replace the imx317_mipi with the new sensor ko's name in this file

device/eagle/rootfs/etc/modules-load.d/mpp.conf the sdk

User Interfaces

1.Use the MPP interfaces. see the MPP Interface Usage page 20-53,

The demo code is here sample_virvi2vo

2.Use the /dev/videoX directly, you can see the demo in Camera Driver Guide

ISP Tuning

Allwinner V5 ISP Tuning Tool

  • Download and extract to a local folder (note: Windows only).
  • Upgrade your Linbian OS to 20181016 or later.
  • Please refer to the documents in docs folder for usage.

Display Config

Because of the limitation that there is one display engine module in V5, V5 board can not support dual-display.

The default display device of the SDK and the image on FTP server is HDMI(1080p).

If you have download the image from FTP server, and burn it into SD card or eMMC, you can switch the display device follow these steps:

Connect serial to control the board

Firstly, you should connect the board's UART0 to computer through a serial-USB cable so that you can send commands to the board through a PC serial software like Putty.

After you connected successfully, you will see the log show on the PC serial software like this:

Booting up message.jpg

Enter U-boot command mode

Power on and press any key within 1s when you see the message below, then you can enter u-boot command mode.

Under this mode, you can modify the kernel devices tree by FDT tools in u-boot.


Change display device configuration with FDT tool

Input the follow command to set display device to LCD (following this guide to connect LCD panel) or HDMI (1080p):


fdt set boot_disp output_type <0x01>;
fdt set boot_disp output_mode <0x04>;
fdt set disp screen0_output_type <0x01>;
fdt set disp screen0_output_mode <0x04>;
fdt save;

HDMI (1080p):

fdt set boot_disp output_type <0x00>;
fdt set boot_disp output_mode <0x00>;
fdt set disp screen0_output_type <0x03>;
fdt set disp screen0_output_mode <0x0a>;
fdt save;

Change X11 configuration

After you change the display device, you should also tell the X11. Log in the system and modify the X11 configuration like this:


ai@linbian:~$ cd /etc/X11/
ai@linbian:/etc/X11$ sudo ln -sf ./conf.d/xorg_lcd.conf ./xorg.conf
ai@linbian:/etc/X11$ ls -l xorg.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Oct 10 10:41 xorg.conf -> ./conf.d/xorg_lcd.conf
ai@linbian:/etc/X11$ sudo systemctl restart lightdm

HDMI (1080p):

ai@linbian:~$ cd /etc/X11/
ai@linbian:/etc/X11$ sudo ln -sf ./conf.d/xorg_hdmi.conf ./xorg.conf
ai@linbian:/etc/X11$ ls -l xorg.conf
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 Oct 10 10:46 xorg.conf -> ./conf.d/xorg_hdmi.conf
ai@linbian:/etc/X11$ sudo systemctl restart lightdm

CTP Config

After you connected the CTP panel to the board (see the guide), insmod its driver like this:

sudo insmod /lib/modules/4.4.55+/gt9xx_ts.ko

Notice : The CTP driver in the image on FTP server is not the latest version, you should download our SDK and compile the image by yourself to confirm CTP work well.

External Storage Config
